Complex of Warehouses 847 (previous code G135K), The Old City,
The complex consists of
Warehouse - 23530 (previous code G135K1), 10 Darzu St.
Warehouse - 23531 (previous code G135K2), 7 Pasiuntiniu St.
Historic, technological and architectural value
Built in the 18th c.
Warehouses are of Fachwerk-type industrial architecture, typical of the region of Klaipeda, with a closed inner yard to be entered by the road under the warehouses No.7 of Pasiuntiniu Street / No.4 of Baznyciu street. The three-storeyed building of a rectangular plan has a gable pediment-type roof. Warehouse in No. 10 of Darzu Street consists of two blocked parts. The southern part is a massive rectangular three-storeyed building with a gable pediment-type roof. The northern part is two-storeyed, with a pent-roof. The warehouses of a rich merchant were used for storing different goods.