Barkentina "Meridianas" 12217, Dane Quay
The protection of the cultural heritage object has been abolished
1944 September 9 – Finland signs a peace treaty with the TSRS and pledges to cover war losses – 300 million gold dollars, of which about 66.2 million gold dollars commit to build ships and giving them to the TSRS.
1945-1952 Finland built and handed over to the TSRS 91 a wooden sailing ship.
1947 February 22 – In Finland, in Turkish Shipyard Oy Laivateollisuus Ab, a wooden Barkentina "Meridianas" was named. Number 5, construction.
1948 Jun 10 – the ship is lowered into water.
1948 August 30 – completed construction.
1948 October 1 – Ship transferred to the TSRS, Ministry of Fisheries.
1948 October – the boat was pushed to Kaliningrad. He was taken over by Pionersky Trawler ships base.
1949 May 3 – Klaipėda Maritime School takes over ship.
1949 May 16 – the captain is appointed I. Mezencevas.
1949 August 31 – "Meridianas" returns from the first courses of the Klaipėda Maritime School (Tallinn - Leningrad).
1954 – The Meridian is belongs to the Baltic Training Ships. The constant berkentine port becomes Riga.
1954-1957 – practice in this ship is carried out by the students - of Klaipėda Fisheries Business Maritime School.
1956 in the summer – ship get into hurricane near the isles of Gotland.
1956 in the autumn – the ship's path is blocked by ice fields. The boat was left in the Leningrad.
1961 – For the first time, the ship leaves the USSR and reaches the Azores (with other Baltic ships "Tropik", "Mendeleev"). Headed by Captain V. Čiudovas.
1961-1965 – The sailing ship is visiting not only the Soviet Union but also the ports of Poland, Germany, Great Britain, France, and Spain. Along with the Barkentina „Tropic“, reaches Africa - Senegal, Guinea's coasts.
1965-1967 – training in the Baltic and the Gulf of Riga.
1968 – In the event of an accident, after the death of 6 students, the Meridianas together with other Baltic Sea ship is written off. O. Kubiliūnas and M. Tumėnas apply to the head of the Western Fish Industry Association "Zapryba", requesting the transfer of a sailboat to Klaipėda Sea Fishing Port in order to establish a Klaipėda Maritime Museum. The ship was brought to Klaipėda.
1968-1970 – At the 7th ship repair company, the Barkentina Meridianas was reconstructed - adapted to be a restaurant.
1971 – A prestigious restaurant is starting to operate.
1985 – renovated Barkentina, renewed interior (architect P. Lapė).
1994 December 22 – transferred (privatized) - UAB Meridianas.
2000 February 29 – The commission formed by the Mayor of Klaipeda states that the ship is in bad condition and obliges UAB Meridianas to remove the vessel from the Dane River.
2000 August 1 – the mayor appeals to the Klaipėda City District Court that the Barkentina "Meridianas", which threatens the public, the removal from the Dane River.
2000 September 24 – criminal group blown up barkentina.
2001 January 9 – court judgment - is a remove the "Meridian" sailboat from the Dane river quay.
2001 January – For the symbolic 1 Litas was purchased by Artur Žičkus.
2001 January 18 – The Meridian Support Fund was established.
2012 October – A. Žičkus appeals to the Government for permission to sinked a Barkentina "Meridiana" in territorial waters of Lithuania. The motive is that big money is needed to repair the ship, and the fund does not have them.
2012 October 19 – The Fund's financial problems are solved, the transfer a Aidas Kaveckis and Aloyzas Kuzmarskis.
2012 November 10 – At dragged to the docks of AB "Klaipedos laivų remontas", where its restoration is commenced.
2013 November 9 – The restored Meridian is returned to its the Dane river quay.