Herkaus Manto Street, Northern – western part of the city
One of the oldest streets of Krumamiescio Town and the being former Naujamiestis. 18th century In the second half it is called Ilgaja street, and its part near the bridge - Biržos street. The other part is from S. Daukanto street was be called "Path to Palanga". In the 19th century In the first half is already named as the Liepojos Street. This name survived until 1939. 20th century From the current Victory Square, was renamed to the name of General Monte at the beginning of the street (General Prussia Field Marshal (1800-1891). Named the street for this name, becouse of the fact that next to it were barracks. This triple name have street - Birzos street, Liepojos street, Montes street - existed until 1939.